A reflection on reality and the nature of wonder.

Wonder is the essence of who we are, because wonder entails discovery, and discovery reshapes reality.

Wonder is the essence of who we are, because wonder entails discovery, and discovery reshapes reality.

Sometimes, It is strange for me….

Sometimes, it is strange for me to wake up, coming back from where I was not, having the same consciousness and memories I had the day before.  

Sometimes, it is strange for me to breathe, feeling life coming and going out of me, and it puzzles me that what I need the most to survive, I cannot see. 

Sometimes, it is strange for me to think, an abstract world I can only perceive, but surely new realities I am able to conceive. 

Sometimes, it is strange for me to look up, seeing an expanding universe yearning to be explored, while living a life that feels too short.

Sometimes, it is strange for me to walk, being drawn to earth through a law that makes things fall, while having a mind that only wants to take off. 

Sometimes, it is strange for me to love, giving everything I have and everything I don’t, for moments and a life that physically fleet but emotionally won’t. 

Sometimes, it is strange for me to smile, for a moment experiencing reality as it was supposed to be, and slowly come back to the one that yearns to live. 

Sometimes, it is strange for me to speak, changing the world around me through words that I cannot see. 

Sometimes, it is strange for me to just be, as if I knew about the potentiality of what “being” can truly be. 

But the strangest thing of it all, by far, is when I don’t ask and wonder about all of it; it is one of the biggest virtues of being alive, being able to ask questions about the things I don’t understand. 

Ask and Wonder, more. 

Written by:

Pedro R. García. 

Founder of Ask and Wonder.